Fast Forward day 9

Woohoo the penultimate day, I have survived! I have come to realize that the hard part about this isn’t so much the small portions…it’s the lack of variety, and becoming bored with the food as well as psychologically knowing I can not have what I want. It goes back to the whole ‘the more you can’t have something, the more you want it’. The last few days in particular have been hard but now its just tomorrow and then weigh in tomorrow evening and it’s done. I set myself that challenge and I can honestly say I have stuck to it 100%, and no matter what the outcome I am proud of myself for actually sticking with it even when the going got tough! Although I scale hopped again today (yeah I know, bad habit) and although it shows a loss it wasn’t showing a great one. We shall see what tomorrows official weigh in at Slimming World says.

This morning was fruit for breakfast again (melon, strawberries, kiwi and banana) which really filled me up. Lunch was the tuna jacket option (you may remember me explaining this in a blog entry a few days ago) It was the same issue of having to take weighing scales to work to weigh out the jacket potato! That really is how strict I have been on this. When Slimming World say Fast Forward is a food optimising corset they really do mean it! This is another reason that I am glad that I have stuck with this, it as really renewed my enthusiasm for normal food. I will never take food optimising meals for granted again! The issue I have now is deciding what to eat on Thursday when I can go back to proper food (although I will still be cutting down sys and portions to reinforce these last few weeks on FF).

Tea tonight was the micro meal option (this is what I mean about lack of variety on FF – especially with the 8 unit meals). Tonight it was a low calorie cottage pie served with loads of green beans with salt & pepper (for some reason I have developed a taste for salt & pepper on veg ever since my doctor told me I needed to increase my salt intake as I have low blood pressure which causes fainting episodes). As I write today’s blog I am currently curled up on the sofa with my laptop and a cup of highlights hot chocolate (my final 1 unit snack for the day). Although I have liked having my evening hot chocolates I cant wait to get back to having a good ol’ cuppa tea (no milk on FF!)

I am still feeling really bloated today again (that’s been for the last 4 days now, the downside of having so much bread which I don’t normally eat at all). I am wondering if that may be the reason for the scales not been very nice. Theres nothing I can really do about it now though. I have had no bread of fizzy drinks today and I will do the same tomorrow in a last ditch attempt to get more lbs off tomorrow.

9 days down

1 day left!

Roll on weigh in…


One thought on “Fast Forward day 9

  1. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I followed it a few weeks ago, I did 6 days and lost 4lbs. I hope you get that at your official weigh in.

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