Non Scale Victories (NSV)

Today was a massive NSV for me. This is what I am trying to concentrate on now rather than the numbers on the scales to think more positively about things. It is really helping to focus on these little victories and how they make me feel rather than stressing over numbers, syns etc like I have done previously.

Today I went roller skating, it may seem like a small task to some but psychologically to me it was a massive boost. In the years gone by I used to play roller hockey and I loved it. However an injury happened and I had to have knee surgery about 8 years ago. It was after that surgery I started to put on all the weight. The combination of suddenly not exercising much, been stuck on crutches for ages and feeling very down about it all meant the weight crept on, and on, and on over the years. It was skating that sent me down that path of feeling crap and fat all of those years. It was a skating injury that sent me on the dark path of weigh gain. Hence I have not been able to face it since.

As a result I had not skated in a very long time (scary just how long that is really when I think about it!). Today was the first time in nearly a decade that I have been roller skating….and I loved it! Ok so maybe I am no where near as quick as I used to be but I quickly picked up where I left off (and it was a good 3 hours of body magic!). The techniques came back, even if they are a bit (ok a lot!) rusty and need some perfecting!.

For years I have wanted to get back into skating and just not managed it, there as always been something stopping me (one of those been the sheer amount of excess weight! second been the fear I would no longer be able to even stand up never mind skate!) I think I have the bug back again now though. I already have my next session planned and I have even looked into getting into roller derby!

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